Our Story

The brand comes from the influence and meaning behind just simply loving what's yours. This is what I wish to share with all of you in hopes to see each journey prosper. The new wave of how we view and uplift each other comes from what we give ourselves. There is a LYT of beauty in every unique body placed on this earth and it is up to us on how we choose to let it shine. Somedays we may be stressed and others we may be blessed but we must always remember there is no life that's better than our own.

To introduce myself, my name is Madison Merkow and I am the founder of LYT. I began my fitness journey as a young athlete. I played many sports but fell in love with beach volleyball. After playing for many years I took a new direction into studying and educating myself in sports exercise and wellness. The time I had away from studying you could not keep me out of the gym or stop me from focusing on my health. It was my time to destress and recharge. Once all the studying had paid off and I got my bachelors in exercise science and wellness I had an itch to combine all that I love. So here we are.

In the last two years my sister and I were diagnosed with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. I have become involved in lots of research behind this syndrome and have met so many women also affected by this on top of what else is out there continuing to affect us. Come to find out so many clothing brands we know and love are creating active wear filled with so many toxins and chemical dyes that seep into our bodies only making things like PCOS so much worse.

As LYT grows I hope to find all the ways to create and share clean, nontoxic active wear for women and men while bringing back some of that old school material but with a much healthier blueprint not only for us to love ourselves but remind us to love what’s around us as well.

Here you can find a community of passionate athletes, powerlifters, casual gym goers, yogis, etc. This company is built to give you everything you need to shine your LYT with not only comfortable active wear but soon to come, workout videos, nutrition plans and a community to support you all. Keep track of your journey with us and know as your fitness goals outgrow your fitness clothes we will be here to supply a new. 

Through LYT I want to empower women and men everywhere to feel confident in pursuing their fitness goals wherever and however that may be.

Love Yourz Trule